The baud rate is an important setting when it comes to connecting [[2024-02-13-what-is-the-maximum-number-of-zigbee-devices-home-assistant-can-handle|devices]] to a computer or other device. It is a measure of the speed of data transmission between two devices. In this article, we will discuss why the baud rate should be set at 9600 and how it can benefit your [[2024-02-06-how-do-i-run-home-assistant-on-virtual-box|home]] automation setup.

What Is The Baud Rate?

The baud rate is the speed at which data is transmitted between two devices. It is measured in bits per second (bps). The higher the baud rate, the faster the data can be transmitted.

Why Should The Baud Rate Be Set At 9600?

Setting the baud rate at 9600 is a good choice for home automation systems. It is a reliable and secure speed that is compatible with most home automation systems.

Benefits Of Setting The Baud Rate At 9600

Setting the baud rate at 9600 has several benefits. It is a reliable speed that is compatible with most home automation systems, including Alexa, OpenHab, iobroker, Promox, Docker, Domoticz, NodeRed, FHEM, and HomeKit. It is also secure, as it is not easily hacked or intercepted. Additionally, it is a good speed for transmitting data between devices, as it is fast enough to be useful but not so fast that it causes problems.

Drawbacks Of Setting The Baud Rate At 9600

While setting the baud rate at 9600 has many benefits, there are some drawbacks. It is not the fastest speed available, so if you need to transmit large amounts of data quickly, it may not be the best choice. Additionally, it is not compatible with all devices, so you may need to use a different baud rate if you are connecting to a device that does not support 9600.


Setting the baud rate at 9600 is a good choice for home automation systems. It is a reliable and secure speed that is compatible with most home automation systems. It is also fast enough to be useful but not so fast that it causes problems. However, it is not the fastest speed available, and it is not compatible with all devices.


  1. What is the baud rate? The baud rate is the speed at which data is transmitted between two devices. It is measured in bits per second (bps).

  2. Why should the baud rate be set at 9600? Setting the baud rate at 9600 is a good choice for home automation systems. It is a reliable and secure speed that is compatible with most home automation systems.

  3. What are the benefits of setting the baud rate at 9600? Setting the baud rate at 9600 has several benefits. It is a reliable speed that is compatible with most home automation systems, including Alexa, OpenHab, iobroker, Promox, Docker, Domoticz, NodeRed, FHEM, and HomeKit. It is also secure, as it is not easily hacked or intercepted. Additionally, it is a good speed for transmitting data between devices, as it is fast enough to be useful but not so fast that it causes problems.

  4. What are the drawbacks of setting the baud rate at 9600? While setting the baud rate at 9600 has many benefits, there are some drawbacks. It is not the fastest speed available, so if you need to transmit large amounts of data quickly, it may not be the best choice. Additionally, it is not compatible with all devices, so you may need to use a different baud rate if you are connecting to a device that does not support 9600.

  5. Is the baud rate secure? Yes, the baud rate is secure, as it is not easily hacked or intercepted.